Friday, February 12, 2010

Pathos, Logos & Ethos

I think that the use and need of rhetoric often depends on the type of essay one is writing. When I read pursuasive papers or personal narratives, I like to see both an equal balance of emotional and logical appeal (logos, pathos). However, when I read a research paper I like to see the authors argument mainly supported by facts, or logos. Personally, I feel I really relate to authors who focus more on the emotional rhetoric like in the article "a president like my father". This type of writing captivates my attention and allows me to easily identify with or against the author. I think that in both my "Into the Wild" and "American Literature" essays I focused on a balance of the three: pathos, logos and ethos. I tried to accomplish this in my papers by addressing the naysayers, choosing certain diction, and using quotes that support my argument and show my purpose. I think that a balance of all will also have a greater appeal to a wider audience of readers.


  1. I agree that the need of rhetoric depends on the type of essay someone is writing. I've always learned in high school that the ethos, pathos, and logos should be balance. I have mostly been writing my essays this way but for this class I feel like I am taking more risks in choosing what rhetoric to focus on. I believe this class will teach us to take risks in our writing and make us become better writers.

  2. I completely agree with how you can relate better when authors emphasize pathos. I think this is because when an author uses pathos, you can draw from memories or feelings that you have had too. You can really be involved in the story they are telling.

  3. i think that in a persuasive essay you are going to have to have moth ethos than logos. you need to have some creditable source in a persuasive essay. you cannot rely just on emotion and facts. i think that in a research paper you are going to have to use all three. most research papers are about 5-10 pages, so you are going to have to get a few very good sources as well as facts about your subject. You also have to have emotion in a research paper to prove your argument.
