Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boot Camp

"What was the most important thing you learned in Boot Camp? Explain why."

I think that the most important thing I learned from Boot Camp was to make sure to validate the "Naysayers" argument/point of view in my writing. While this is something I always try to do in my essays, I know often times I fall short. I get caught up in what I am trying to say and think that alone will convince the reader. Addressing the opposition to my point of view will make my papers stronger because it will show that my knowledge is not one-sided, and I that have considered both arguments. Additionally, I have also relearned the importance of supporting quotes with your own interpretations. Often times I like to leave quotes "hanging" because I feel that they are self-explanatory. Going though Boot camp made me remember to look for both of these issues in my papers and revise them where necessary. This is important because it will make my writing stronger, well rounded and less biased.


  1. I completely agree that the Naysayer was the most important part of Boot Camp. I would do exactly the same thing and give my own opinion and not address the other side of the argument. Also, I would leave quotes 'hanging' as well in my own writing when really to other people it would not make sense or be clear. Boot Camp was definitely helpful.

  2. I had the "quote hanging" problem too. I feel like I would have these really strong quotes and then just no analysis or I did not know how to sufficiently explain them. Boot camp taught me thought you have to explain the quote very in depth or there is just no point to placing them in your essay.

  3. Naysayers were introduced to me in bootcamp. I never knew about them before. i strongly agree with you. naysayers help so much because it is easy to enter the conversation. the best way to disagree is to ask questions that might be hard for the source to answer making your argument stronger. supporting quotes is huge too. if your don't say anything to support it you didn't do anything.
